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The benefits of yoga sports

The benefits of yoga sports

The physical benefits of yoga

The physical benefits of yoga are embodied in improving the health of the body and reducing sometimes intractable pains such as low back pain, arthritis, headaches, and carpal tunnel syndrome, and may also reduce blood pressure and insomnia that occurs in humans,  the following is an explanation of the most important physical benefits of yoga when practiced regularly:

  • Improving the strength and balance of the body, in addition to increasing its flexibility due to slow movements and deep breathing increases blood flow and raises muscle warm-up, and fixing the body to a certain position for some time increases its strength.
  • Relieve back pain and improve body movement in people suffering from these pains as a result of practicing basic stretching exercises, and sometimes yoga is used as the initial treatment for chronic low back pain.
  • Reduce the symptoms of arthritis, which are tender joint pain and swelling that sometimes affects them.
  • Reducing stress levels and inflammation in all organs of the body means promoting heart health and strengthening, and it also reduces some factors that contribute to the occurrence of heart disease and prevents them, such as lowering high blood pressure and losing excess weight.
  • Improving sleep health by preparing the body for sleep and continuing it for hours leads to a healthy body.
  • Improve social communication by participating in yoga exercises with others, and also promotes and improve self-care.

Psychological benefits of yoga

The benefits of yoga are not limited to the body alone, these ancient exercises combine physical benefits with mental and psychological benefits, they include breathing exercises, meditation, and various poses that relax the body and mind and reduce tension, and the following is an explanation of the most important of these psychological benefits:

Promote relaxation of the body that reduces stress, by reducing the secretion of the hormone cortisol responsible for raising the level of stress and stress, in addition to reducing anxiety to improve mental and mental health, for example, meditation exercises exercise the psyche to control pressure.

It also reduces the anxiety disorder that occurs in a person after suffering a trauma, the symptoms of which include severe anxiety and fear after exposure to traumatic incidents, through the practice of calm exercises and a sense of inner peace.

Improves the quality and quality of life by improving mood and reducing fatigue, in addition to reducing the symptoms of chemotherapy for cancer patients, which include nausea and vomiting, and staying better psychologically, in addition, it improves sleep quality and increases the chance of making friends during exercise and getting to know others.

Yoga reduces the secretion of cortisol, which in turn affects the serotonin level. Serotonin is the neurotransmitter associated with depression exercises that focus on deep, continuous, and regular breathing help in this area.

The benefits of yoga for weight loss

A person loses weight in two ways, the most important of which is to change his eating habits, and this step represents 80% of the weight loss rate, and the remaining 20% boils down to exercise, and weight loss is the process of getting rid of excess body fat that affects his total weight, and one of the most important of these sports practices is yoga, practicing yoga along with eating 5-6 snacks throughout the day reduces the feeling of unjustified hunger, in addition to practicing yoga exercises with love to ensure continuity and depth to achieve better results, and a balanced diet.

Yoga is characterized by reducing body weight, but in the case of large weights, it needs a lot of time and its performance under the supervision of a competent person, and it also renews the person's activity and recovery after exercise, due to the employment of the mind and body together to complete the exercises, which makes it more effective and easier than other exercises, and the secret behind losing weight from yoga lies in correcting actions and moving away from quick solutions such as wrong diets and unhealthy pills that the body returns to gain weight after stopping them quickly, as yoga needs to adjust the way of thinking and immerse yourself in hard work to get rid of unwanted calories while enjoying by performing exercises.

To achieve the goal and lose weight as desired, yoga should be practiced besides maintaining meals containing fats and carbohydrates in the daytime, staying away from fatty meals at the dinner table, and making the most healthy decisions after reaching the age of thirty and can go on relaxing trips outdoors in a place full of green nature, or go on a trip to the beach and walk without shoes on soft sand, or riding a bicycle and walking outdoors, to achieve relaxation and increase passion for yoga exercises.

Here is an explanation of how many calories a person loses when doing one of the following exercises for 30 minutes:

  • Sports 211 calories.
  • A stationary bike with little effort is 176 calories.
  • The stationary bike has an average effort of 247 calories.
  • Hiking is 211 calories.
  • Household chores are 106 calories.
  • Jogging is 247 calories. Cooking is 70 kcal.
  • Individual tennis games are 282 calories.
  • Walking fast or jogging is 141 calories.
  • Weightlifting is 106 calories. Yoga is 141 calories.
Yoga can help with slimming, but in cases of severe obesity it may not be enough to lose weight, diet is an essential part of the weight reduction process, and the sport alone is not enough.

Types of Yoga

As for the types of yoga, they are as follows:

  1. Vinyasa yoga: practicing yoga in a state of stillness of the body, by coordinating body movements with breathing in addition to maintaining the flow of the body means changing the posture.
  2. Hatha Yoga: this type is based on the most widespread physical practices.
  3. Pingar Iyengar: this type is based on precise and detailed movements while maintaining breathing control during long-term asanas.
  4. Kundalini Yoga: this type is based on rapid movements during the maintenance of breathing exercises.
  5. Bikram yoga: it focuses on poses similar to sauna rooms, that is, practicing some asanas in rooms with high heat.


Yoga is characterized as one of the famous sports that bring many benefits to the body, although it is sometimes easy and does not require much effort like other sports. yoga can also be practiced at home. It depends on employing the mind and body together, practicing meditation while fixing the body in a particular position to achieve relaxation, reducing weight, promoting body health, reducing stress, and anxiety, and keeping away from depression. there are several different types of yoga.